Your Coalition leadership has been setting the stage for the next legislative session by meeting with key legislators and organizing their support of gifted education.

We realize that we must make a bigger impact than our largely volunteer organization has done in the past, by stepping up our professional lobbying, messaging, and media outreach strategies. The Coalition needs your immediate financial support nowCLICK HERE TO DONATE

We need total contributions of at least $17,500 to achieve these goals, and we rely on you, our supporters, to meet it.

  • Any donation is welcome. If you have donated $40 in the past, please consider doubling or tripling it. CLICK HERE TO DONATE
  •  Ask your parent support or advisory group to become a supporting member of the Coalition by making an organizational contribution.

The Coalition accepts donations online by credit card and PayPal.  Please CLICK HERE TO DONATE

Checks can be made payable to WCFGE and sent to:

Washington Coalition For Gifted Education
18149  147 Ave. SE
Renton WA  98058

The Coalition will be very active during this legislative session working to obtain full funding for Highly Capable Programs; we look forward to requesting your advocacy action once our behind the scenes work is done.