Who We Are
our story (coming soon)
wacoalition bylaws
the issues (coming soon)
get involved (coming soon)
Our Organization
The Washington Coalition for Gifted Education is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization. We are one of three Washington organizations whose main purpose is to support highly capable/gifted educators, students, and families in Washington state. Together with the Northwest Gifted Child Association, which provides support for parents, and the Washington Association for Educators of the Talented and Gifted, which provides support for educators, we work to a world where all students are recognized, respected and passionately supported for their unique needs, talents, and gifts.
Our Mission
The Washington Coalition for Gifted Education advocates for the educational needs of highly capable/gifted students through communication with and education of policy makers and influences in Washington state and nationally. The Coalition develops partnerships with organizations to advance and impact highly capable/gifted education.
A legacy of dedication and persistence.
The Barbara Poyneer
Advocacy Award
In partnership with WAETAG and NWGCA we are delighted to share that WAETAG’s annual Advocacy Award for outstanding contributions in gifted advocacy was not only awarded to, but renamed in honor of our wonderful Board of Directors Treasurer. It is now the “Barbara Poyneer Advocacy Award”.
Barbara has been a tireless advocate for gifted students for decades. (Since before many of us were born.) Much of the policy and funding for gifted education that we see today is, in large part, a result of her dedication and persistence.
Barbara, thank you for all you have done and the legacy you have created for The Coalition, and for all of the gifted community. We think the world of you and feel like this recognition could not be more deserved. Congratulations!
Karen Thornton (NWGCA), Reby Parsley (WAETAG), Barbara Poyneer holding the Barbara Poyneer Advocacy Award, and Austina De Bonte (WACOALITION).