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The Washington Coalition for Gifted Education has been partnering with parents, educators, policy makers, influencers, and other allies to transform Highly Capable education laws and policies for over 40 years.
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Highly Capable students are
counting on us.
Highly Capable services are crucial “whole child” interventions that support the unique learning abilities and challenges of these students. Washington State has considered HiCap part of basic education since 2011, directing districts to provide “accelerated learning and enhanced instruction.”
Our Priorities:
Equitable Identification
HiCap students continue to be under-identified, under-served, and demographically disproportional to their district populations. Districts using OSPI recommended practices such as universal screening are improving equity in their programs. It’s essential that these effective policies and practices reach every HiCap student in Washington.
professional development
Although almost all education professionals serve HiCap students in some way, most education professionals in Washington State don’t receive effective HiCap professional development during their preservice training or once they are in our schools. We support the development of standards and requirements to correct this impactful omission.