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Press Room
What We’re Reading Today: Editorial from Victoria McDougald on parenting gifted children.
Ms. McDougald shares her experience supporting her child through their transition to school, along with sound advice and resources. If you’re just starting out on your child’s school journey, this is a good place to start.
Universal Screening highlighted in Lynnwood Times
It was great to see Lynnwood Times highlighted the importance of Universal Screening for achieving equity in highly capable services.
Be A $105 Drive Highly Capable Ally
There are 105 Days in the WA State Legislative Session this year. 105 Days of: Calls, meetings, letter writing, signing in PRO, and public hearings. Partnering with other WA State organizations to support equitable and effective Highly Capable education....
SB5072 Referred to House Ed Committee
We weren't sure how long it would take for the bill to move from the Senate to the House and it turns out we didn't have to wait very long at all. The House read SB5072 on the floor this morning and it was immediately referred to the Education Committee. It's possible...
SB 5072 Passed In The Senate!
We are thrilled to report that SB 5072 passed unanimously on the Senate floor Wednesday morning. A surprisingly large number of Senators took the time to speak in favor of SB 5072 during the scheduled floor debate on February 8th. We heard: “terrific bill” “important...
Meeting with Representatives Bergquist and Hackney
Washington State Representatives Steve Bergquist (D) and David Hackney (D) met with Marcia Holland (Board Secretary) and Barbara Poyneer (Board Treasurer) yesterday to talk about universal screening bill SB 5072 that is working it's way through the legislature this...