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Our Thursday Evening HiCap Ed Week Advocacy Message

What if WA trained teachers in hicap education? Right now, it doesn’t. by WaCoalition Treasurer Barbara Poyneer Did you know that currently there’s no requirement for teachers in WA to have had any training in highly capable education? Not even for those who...

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Day 2 of HiCap Ed Week 2023

What if YOUR advocacy made a difference in your community? It Can! by Washington Coalition Secretary Marcia Holland You can influence the laws, budgets, programs, and services that affect highly capable education. It just means SPEAKING UP! Highly capable children and...

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A Note From HiCap History

The question about when the term "Highly Capable" began being used in WA state came up last week. Barbara's records are so thorough she found the answer: "The 1984 supplemental budget first contained funding of $1,700,000 for “Gifted”. The budget for the 85-87...

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