by David Berg | Feb 6, 2019 | Advocacy, Legislation, NWGCA, WAETAG
We’ve attached our testimony to the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee. Also testifying in favor of SB 5354 were Senator Ann Rivers, the Prime Sponsor of SB 5354; Jennifer Flo, Vice-President, Washington Association for the Education of the...
by David Berg | Jan 21, 2018 | Advocacy, Gifted Education Day, Legislative Outlook, NWGCA, URGENT
We did it! We have a HiCap bill in the Senate mandating universal screening and other more equitable identification practices! You can follow the progress of SB 6508 on the website of the Washington State Legislature. Through that link, you can comment on the bill,...
by David Berg | Dec 12, 2011 | Advocacy, NWGCA
GIFTED EDUCATION DAY IN WASHINGTON MONDAY JANUARY 23, 2012 The special session is working on a supplemental budget. In her proposal, the Governor maintained HCP funding at the level in the biennial budget while the House and Senate proposals contain small (technical)...
by David Berg | Sep 24, 2011 | Advocacy, NWGCA, WAETAG, WCGE Update
MEMBERSHIPS It’s time to considering renewing your membership in the Coalition, or becoming a member for the first time. We also offer the Joint Membership in all three gifted organizations, NWGCA, WAETAG and the Coalition, at a savings of $15 over individual...