A Portrait of a Gifted Child

Today we were fortunate to have M. René Islas, Executive Director of the National Association of Gifted Children, here to testify before the Senate Early Learning and K-12 Education Committee. His remarks are attached: Gifted Education Day remarks from NAGC. Joining...

Financial Update

FINANCIAL STATUS OF THE COALITION The major expense of the Coalition is the monthly retainer we pay our lobbyist. We’d like to pay her more but our yearly income won’t stretch that far. Three questions you may ask: (1) Why does the Coalition need a...

February 11th Update

1. Help us build our bona fides in Olympia. We would like to reach 750 followers on Facebook during session. Please “like” us on Facebook. **************** 2. While you need to work on an almost daily basis with your local building and/or district, we...